Peter Gric was born in 1968 as the only child of the artist couple Ludmila and Jaroslav Gric in Brno in the former Czechoslovakia. Already in his early childhood his parents recognized and encouraged his talent for drawing and painting.
In 1988 he came to Vienna and began his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in the master class of Prof. Arik Brauer. Already during his studies he participated in numerous group exhibitions and began to successfully sell his paintings. He finished his studies in 1993 and received a master's degree in fine arts.
In 2010 Gric worked on the concept design for the film project "At the Mountains of Madness" by Guillermo del Toro. From 2011 to 2015 Gric held a teaching position at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Gric's works are in numerous private and public collections worldwide.

In the early nineties Peter Gric began to discover the possibilities of computer graphics for his paintings. From then on, his organic-surreal visual language was enriched by complex architectural structures and artifacts.
Instead of using pencil and sketchbook, he began to design his compositions with 3D visualization software, transferring virtual reality into painting and in this fusion finding his very own and distinctive style.
This method is most evident in his "Artificial Spaces" series. These images are based on three-dimensional geometries constructed with a kind of "virtual construction kit" or other mathematical and algorithmic concepts.
Die Entstehung dieser Bilder wird zu einem Spiel mit komplexen Räumen und Perspektiven, um normalerweise nicht zugängliche Orte in einer völlig künstlichen Anordnung von Raum und Licht zu schaffen.
Available Artworks

Muma Gallery
Eppendorfer Weg 235 | 20251 Hamburg
fon: +49 (0)40 49 4499 55 | mail:
Opening Hours:
Thursday & Friday 4 to 7 pm and on request