
Geenss Archenti

We are very pleased to represent the Peruvian artist Geenss Archenti, with our gallery, here in Germany. Archenti is one of the few artists who are able to visually and authentically bring to life the magical world of the South American shamans.

His paintings are unique testimonies of a sphere that remains hidden to most of us. All the more we are very pleased to present Geenss here in Hamburg. ...more

Geenss archenti Muma Gallery 1

Konstantin Bax

For 16 years now Konstantin Bax has fascinated his numerous fans worldwide with his multi-layered and multi-dimensional art.

Exploring the tension between dream and reality, abstraction and figuration, his art inspires the viewer with its expressive power and simultaneous devotion to detail.

The Viennese painter Prof. Ernst Fuchs once aptly described his paintings as "Windows to Infinity". ...more


Berry Behrendt

Berry Behrendt worked until 2000 for numerous established lifestyle magazines such as Elle, Brigitte, Maxi, Max and others. During this time he also developed his passion for musician portraits.

His work quickly attracts attention in the U.S. and he gets the chance to work with some of the most successful musical personalities of the time.

Names like Jay Z, Missy Elliot, Kanye West, Basta Rhymes and Moby are just a few of them. ...more


Peter Gric

In the early nineties Peter Gric began to discover the possibilities of computer graphics for his paintings. From then on, his organic-surreal visual language was enriched by complex architectural structures and artifacts.

Instead of using pencil and sketchbook, he began to design his compositions with 3D visualization software, transferring virtual reality into painting and in this fusion finding his very own and distinctive style. ...more

Peter Gric Painting Muma Galerie Hamburg 8

Stefan Milev

Stefan Milev takes the viewer into a world of analog black and white photography inspired by early art photographers such as Alvin Langdon Coburn, George Seeley and Man Ray.

With his masterful use of techniques such as light painting and double exposures, Milev creates fascinating works in which people take center stage - sensitively and empathetically portrayed, surrounded by an aura of the mystical and abstract. ...more

Tim Petersen

Tim Petersen first learned about photography in his father's studio, which opened in the 1970s, a time that was crucial for Germany's burgeoning photography industry.

Petersen opened his own studio in Hamburg at the age of 22 and quickly developed a fascination with the New York subculture scene. ...more


Krzysztof Syruć (aka Proembrion)

Krzysztof Syruć aka PROEMBRION is a Polish artist who was born in 1984 and started graffiti at the age of 12. His early works consisted of abstract lettering, which quickly evolved in style and implementation.

Later, he obtained a Masters degree in Architecture from Gdańsk University of Technology. This experience has ...more

Krzysztof Syruć Proembrion Muma Gallery Hamburg Art 3

Katrin Schöning

Katrin's enthusiasm for photography showed up early and began to take its course when she got her first camera in her childhood years.

Mit 17 assistierte sie einem Fotografen und nach einem längeren Ausflug in die Welt der Agenturen und Mode, fand sie schließlich den Weg zurück zu ihrer Berufung. ...more

Muma Galerie Hamburg Kunst Logo
Muma Gallery Hamburg Galerie Ausstellung Kunst Malerei Fotografie 4

Muma Gallery

Eppendorfer Weg 235 | 20251 Hamburg

fon: +49 (0)40 49 4499 55 | mail:

Opening Hours:

Thursday & Friday 4 to 7 pm and on request